In the serene town of Bolivar a man whose presence was as sturdy as an tree, Tony Campbell, bid farewell to this world on a somber day at his home in Bolivar, Tennessee. Born in Jackson, Tennessee on November 19th, 1968, Tony's journey through life was one marked by dedication and love for his family and friends.
Attending Bolivar Central High School, Tony laid the foundation for a life built on hard work and perseverance. He ventured into the workforce with his family's business at Campbell's Cleaners in Bolivar, where he dedicated over 30 years of his life, faithfully serving the community with a warm smile and unwavering commitment. Transitioning to Miller Construction in Jackson for 6-8 years before joining Moore Construction, Tony's work ethic and passion for his craft shone brightly until unforeseen circumstances led him down a different path.
Outside of his professional endeavors, Tony found solace and joy in simple pleasures - casting his line into tranquil waters while fishing, roaming the woods in search of game during hunting seasons, and perfecting his game on the golf course. An avid pool player with a competitive spirit, Tony found joy in friendly games that brought together loved ones and created cherished memories.
But above all else, Tony treasured time spent with those closest to him. His heart swelled with pride and love for his children: Lauren Campbell & fiance Austin Arthur of Jackson, Justin Campbell & Jessica of Bolivar, and Johnathan Campbell of Jackson. He is also survived by his brother Robert Campbell, Jr. & wife Carolyn of Bolivar and his father, Robert Campbell, Sr., of Bolivar. His legacy extended to embrace a new generation with grandchildren Makynlee & Kyler Campbell, Jacoby Howell, Connor Puckett, Chloe & Clara Arthur who will forever carry a piece of him forward. He was preceded in death by his mother, Mary Mullen Campbell.
In the quiet moments between dusk and dawn, Ashley Plunkett stood by his side as a devoted partner - their love a testament to unwavering support through life's trials and triumphs.
Memorial contributions in his name may be sent to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital (